Polaris Online Database Codelist Rules

All lists are subject to General Rules unless otherwise stated. Codelists not specifically listed below are subject only to the General Rules.

How to request a code list change

To view the codes themselves, and the rest of the Polaris Online Database, visit here

Codelist Value Rule Description
Code 0 – Code List Directory
  1. This code list acts as a master list of all code lists supported in the Polaris Online Database (POD). This list will be updated to show any new code list that is developed, using the code list number as its identifier.
Code 1 – EDI Directory
  1. Polaris staff will be responsible for updating this list. New requests (choose “Standards” as Subject and “Code List Change Request” as Standards enquiry) will not have to be approved by any committee.
  2. Requests for a new code for a broker organisation must specify the company’s location, but when values are added to the list the address details will be restricted to town (or the city, and first part of the postcode) to avoid the list being used for marketing.
  3. Any addition of an insurer to this list will require an entry in Code List 81.
  4. Any addition of a software company to this list will require an entry in Code List 82.
  5. Multiple entries per organisation are supported, but the descriptions of each entry must make clear the differentiation.
  6. An alpha prefix (maximum 2 characters) will be assigned to each code entry in order to identify the type of party. Valid prefixes are as follows:
    • A = Agents (Brokers\Intermediaries);
    • C = Companies (Insurers);
    • S = Software Houses;
    • L = Solicitors;
    • E = Engineers;
    • J = Loss Adjusters\assessors;
    • R = Repairers;
    • G = Self-Insured Organisations;
    • F = Finance House;
    • D = Claims Handlers,
    • M= Non UK Insurers.

    Values starting with N and P support historical claims/fraud data collection and are no longer in use.

  7. The long description in this code list will be used to provide an audit trail of any description changes.
Code 2 – Vehicle/Trailer Cover
  1. Combinations of covers are allowed where these are accepted common usage.
  2. Descriptions used must be generic and not insurer specific.
Code 7 – Policy Class
  1. Entries will be accepted market terminology and not insurer product specific.
Code 11 – Employer’s Business Category
  1. Each entry on Code List 11 must, in conjunction with an entry on Code List 55, accurately describe the intended business/occupation. For example, entry on Code List 11 – Bank, entry on Code List 55 – Clerk. In combination, ‘Bank Clerk’ accurately describes the business/occupation.
  2. An entry must not duplicate an entry in Code List 55 (Occupation Code).
  3. Dump codes do not exist and will not be permitted. For example, Leisure Industry would be classed as a dump code.
  4. Entries must follow common parlance, rather than be academically structured. For example, the description ‘Self Catering Accommodation’ must be used, rather than ‘Accommodation – Self Catering’.
  5. Entries may include ‘manufacturer’ but must not include ‘maker’ (‘maker’ is permitted in the Occupation Code List 55).
  6. Entries whose ’employer’s business’ and ‘occupation’ elements are capable of being added to Code List 11 and 55 respectively, must be dealt with on that basis, and not added in their entirety to the code list.
Code 13 – Permitted Drivers
  1. All values in this list have been used. A new code list (134) exists which should be used if no suitable value exists in Code List 13, in which case “Z” and the Code List 134 value should be sent in Free Text.
Code 15 – Vehicle Location When Not In Use
  1. For new Messages and releases this code list has been superseded by Code List 423.
  2. Change Requests for Code List 15 when agreed, must be incorporated within Code List 423.
Code 19 – Relationship To Proposer
  1. Code Values will be single character.
Code 20 – Driving Licence
  1. The country in which the licence was obtained will not be included on this code list.
Code 31 – Loading/Discount Code
  1. Change Requests for Code List 31 when agreed, must be incorporated within Code List 85.
  2. Rule 7 of the general rules is the only rule that will be applied as grounds for rejection.
  3. Any entry to Code List 31 must also have an entry that states ‘Referred’ (not relevant for Code List 85).
Code 32 – Country Code This list is based on the ISO list found at One World Nations Online

  1. For individual countries’ amendments/additions to this list will be in line with ISO3166.
  2. Groups of countries will have to be recognised as an economic or political entity.
  3. The network value for a group of countries must be 3 characters, to distinguish between ISO and Polaris Online Database code values.
  4. This can contain past or present countries or groups of countries.
Code 34 – Policy Section(s) To Which Excess Applies
  1. Defines the application of an excess and not the reason why the excess is applied.
  2. Definition of the policy section(s) can utilise cover type and object type.
  3. An entry may include a combination of policy sections.
Code 36 – Unspecified Trailers Cover Code Whilst Detached THIS CODE LIST WILL NOT BE MAINTAINED. This code list is primarily a commercial code list.
Code 38 – Driver Proficiency Qualification
  1. All values in this list have been used. A new code list (186) exists which should be used if no suitable value exists in Code List 38, in which case the DRPQ element should be populated with “6” (no code available) and the Code List 186 value should be sent in Free Text.
Code 44 – New Vehicle Identification Code
  1. This code list is maintained by Thatcham, who provide it on a subscription basis. Any enquiries on this list should be directed to [email protected].
Code 46 – Document Type
  1. Polaris staff will be responsible for updating this list. New requests will not have to be approved by any committee.
Code 55 – Occupations
  1. Each entry on Code List 55 must, in conjunction with its related entry on Code List 11, accurately describe the intended business/occupation. For example, entry on Code List 11 – Bank, entry on Code List 55 – Clerk. In combination, ‘Bank Clerk’ accurately describes the business/occupation.
  2. An entry must not duplicate an entry in Code List 11 (Employer’s Business Category).
  3. Dump codes do not exist and will not be permitted. For example, General Worker would be classed as a dump code.
  4. No entry shall include the employer’s name.
  5. No entry shall include the word ’employee’. An entry containing ‘staff’ or ‘worker’ or any similar generic term will only be acceptable if none of these are already included in the code list. For example, if ‘Administration Staff’ is on Code List 55, a request to add ‘Administration Worker’ will not be accepted.
  6. Code List 55 shall describe a job’s function (i.e. the work performed rather than a job title, trade or employer).
  7. Entries must follow common parlance rather than be academically structured – for example HGV Driver must be used rather than Driver – HGV.
  8. If a description can be found using Code List 11 and Code List 55 together, it cannot be added as a whole to Code List 55.
  9. Entries whose ’employer’s business’ and ‘occupation’ elements are capable of being added to Code List 11 and 55 respectively, must be dealt with on that basis, and not added in their entirety to the code list.
  10. Duplications e.g. Clerk Typist, Typist Clerk will not be allowed but common parlance synonyms e.g. Dustman and Refuse Collector may be permissible.
  11. Entries may include ‘maker’ but must not include ‘manufacturer’ (‘manufacturer’ is permitted in the Employer’s Business Category Code List 11).
Code 56 – Employment Type
  1. In developing Code List 56 it has been recognised that the Insurer business requirements are a central element of that development. Standard code lists must allow insurers to maintain underwriting control.
Code 72 – Affinity Group
  1. Entries are restricted to specific groups which cannot be identified by any other standard code e.g. ‘ABC Bank employees’ not ‘Bank employees’.
Code 74 – Type of Payment THIS CODE LIST IS COMPLETE – This code list is used ONLY to identify instalments or single payment.
Code 75 – Method of Payment
  1. Change Requests for Code List 75 when agreed, will be considered for addition to Code List 9.
Code 76 – Security Device Manufacturer And Model
  1. Polaris will be responsible for updating for Thatcham accredited devices. They may use a designated source for this purpose.
  2. New requests for Thatcham accredited devices will not require to be approved by the Code List Standards Committee.
  3. Other items will be added to the list subject to documentary evidence of the existence of the device being supplied by the requester.
  4. All devices will carry an ‘accreditation code (AP)’ indicating the accreditation authority where known.
  5. The ‘AP’ will show the current accreditation status of each device.
  6. An explanation of the ‘accreditation codes’ used will be maintained within the rules for Code List 125.
  7. Thatcham accreditation will take precedence over any other accreditation authority.
  8. The ‘ character will not be used in the Short Description as it causes a Run Time Error when using the cross refer facility.
  9. Only devices that are regarded as relevant to vehicle security will be added to the code list from those listed in the Thatcham Quality Accreditation list.
Code 78 – Body Colour
  1. Manufacturer’s specific colour descriptions will not be included.
Code 81 – Insurer
  1. Entries will be limited to companies that have underwritten or are underwriting insurance.
  2. Polaris staff will be responsible for updating this list. New requests will not have to be approved by any committee.
Code 82 – Software Companies
  1. Entries will be limited to companies that are responsible for the maintenance of software systems for insurance.
  2. Polaris staff will be responsible for updating this list. New requests will not have to be approved by any committee.
Code 85 – Rating/Underwriting Factor
  1. Change Requests for Code List 85 when agreed, must be incorporated within Code List 31.
  2. Rule 7 of the general rules is the only rule that will be applied as grounds for rejection.
Code 87 – Reason Proposal Pended
  1. This code list is not used in an EDI message, but can be added to on request. Validation of a new request will not be required.
Code 100 – Yes / No THIS CODE LIST IS COMPLETE – This code list is used ONLY where a direct yes/no answer is required.
Code 109 – Fuel Type
  1. This code list was developed for an EDIFACT message and is not used in any EDI message. Requests for additional values for use between trading partners may still be requested.
Code 110 – Transmission Type
  1. This code list was developed for an EDIFACT message and is not used in any EDI message. Requests for additional values for use between trading partners may still be requested.
Code 125 – Vehicle Device Approval Status
  1. Each device on Code List 76 will carry an ‘Accreditation Code (AP)’ based on the body approving the device.
  2. The accreditation code will show the current status of accreditation at the date of production of the hard copy of the code list or the issue of ‘Online’.
  3. Thatcham accreditation will take precedence over any other accreditation authority.
  4. ‘Thatcham accredited’ in these rules shall refer to the category description attached to these devices by MIRRC at Thatcham. Devices for Private Cars and Light Commercial vehicles currently are accredited using the same classification. Descriptions of the devices and their recommended use are supplied by Thatcham and are not repeated in the rules for this code list.
  5. ‘Previously Accredited Thatcham Device’ shall refer to a device that was categorised by Thatcham but is no longer on the available for purchase list.
  6. ‘Deleted Thatcham Device’ shall refer to a device that has been defeated and is no longer recognised as being suitable for its purpose.
  7. ‘Non Accredited’ shall refer to a device that has not been accredited by an accepted authority.
  8. ‘Tracking Device’ shall refer to a device that has been designed to track a motor vehicle that has been stolen to aid its recovery.
Code 128 – Response
  1. This code list was developed for an EDIFACT message and is not used in any EDI message. Requests for additional values for use between trading partners may still be requested.
Code 134 – Permitted Drivers
  1. This code list was developed to replace code list 13, as all 1 character values had been used. The values in this list match those in Code 13, but have been expanded to 2 characters where necessary. If a 2 character value is being used it can only be sent in the Driver FTX segment of a motor message [the DRVG element should be populated with “Z” (no code available)].
Code 154 – Currency
  1. This code list was developed for an EDIFACT message and is not used in any EDI message. Requests for additional values for use between trading partners may still be requested.
Code 159 – Quotation Narratives
  1. Polaris staff will be responsible for updating this list. New requests will not have to be approved by any committee.
Code 164 – Vehicle Class Of Use
  1. It is not intended to convey this code list via EDI. However, it is used in ProductWriter and for ECN messages, and will continue to be maintained.
Code 185 – ECN Vehicle Activities
  1. Polaris staff will be responsible for updating this list. New requests will not have to be approved by any committee.
Code 195 – Ownership/Use of Other Vehicle
  1. Values in this list are not required to be mutually exclusive.
Code 205 – Commercial Cover
  1. Entries may be insurer specific but general rule 7 still applies.
  2. Personal lines business must use Code List 402.
  3. Cover type may be identified by the object to which the cover applies.
Code 311 – VAT Details
  1. Developed for use in claims messages to request an inspection or to report on vehicle condition following a claim. Not used in any EDI message, but requests for additions will be considered.
Code 312 – Period
  1. Developed for use in claims messages to request an inspection or to report on vehicle condition following a claim. Not used in any EDI message, but requests for additions will be considered.
Code 316 – Party Identifier
  1. Developed for use in claims messages to request an inspection or to report on vehicle condition following a claim. Not used in any EDI message, but requests for additions will be considered.
Code 318 – Event Type
  1. Rule 2 of the general rules does not apply.
Code 350 – Reason For Self-Declared Or Historical Driver Data
  1. Created to support DVLA Data from MIB, will only be changed on advice from MIB of a change to their specification. General rules do not apply.
Code 351 – DVLA Licence Status Derived from the MIB MyLicence technical specification

  1. Created to support DVLA Data from MIB, will only be changed on advice from MIB of a change to their specification. General rules do not apply.
Code 352 – DVLA Entitlement Code Derived from the MIB MyLicence technical specification

  1. Created to support DVLA Data from MIB, will only be changed on advice from MIB of a change to their specification. General rules do not apply.
Code 353 – DVLA Entitlement Type Derived from the MIB MyLicence technical specification

  1. Created to support DVLA Data from MIB, will only be changed on advice from MIB of a change to their specification. General rules do not apply.
Code 354 – DVLA Entitlement Restriction Derived from the MIB MyLicence technical specification

  1. Created to support DVLA Data from MIB, will only be changed on advice from MIB of a change to their specification. General rules do not apply.
Code 355 – DVLA Custodial Period Derived from the MIB MyLicence technical specification

  1. Created to support DVLA Data from MIB, will only be changed on advice from MIB of a change to their specification. General rules do not apply.
Code 400 – Type Of Dwelling
  1. Entries must not convey usage or construction.
Code 401 – Type Of Ownership
  1. This list contains values which convey multiple pieces of information, e.g. ownership, whether let or not and whether mortgaged or not. For business continuity reasons it has been agreed that the list will remain, however no further values that convey multiple data items will be included.
Code 402 – Personal Cover Type Or Object Detail
  1. Entries may be insurer specific but general rule 7 will still apply.
  2. Commercial lines business must use Code List 205.
  3. Cover type may be identified or the object to which the cover applies.
Code 403 – Alarm Installers
  1. Additions to this list will not require ratification if they are received from the designated source. (Designated Source currently NACOSS – 11/96).
Code 406 – Interested Party
  1. Entries will be limited to companies that have a financial interest in the subject matter of the insurance.
  2. Polaris staff will be responsible for updating this list. New requests will not have to be approved by any committee.
Code 411 – Conviction Type This list is based on the list found at Relevant offences list for England and Wales
Code 419 – Craft Description
  1. Should identify if possible the make and the model.
  2. Generic types of craft are acceptable.
Code 420 – Caravan Type
  1. This code list is considered to be complete.
Code 544 – Safe Make And Model Based on Association of Insurance Surveyors (AIS) list
Code 566 – Trade
  1. General Rules apply, except General Rule 2 (Using Special Characters) which has been superseded with a more specific Code List Rule.
  2. Entries must relate to commercial businesses and not individual occupations which are the domain of Code List 55.
  3. The list must be flexible enough to support specific insurer rating requirements.
  4. Special characters : +
    <> \ @ which are part of EDI or XML syntax will not be used in any description or value. Other special characters & ? etc may be used in descriptions (but not in a code list value).
  5. The order of a code description is as follows: product/business areas first, activity/profession and then any additional description.
  6. All products or activities are singular (i.e. Aerial and not Aerials).
  7. Any activity is a noun and not a verb (i.e. Erector and not Erecting).
  8. Always use an ‘&’ instead of ‘and’ or a ‘/’ (slash).
  9. Abbreviations will not be used unless they are a recognised term used in the description of the product or activity e.g. CCTV, or the code description will breach the 70 character limit.
  10. The term ‘Services’ should not be used in a code description as the term is too ambiguous.
  11. Brand names should never be used in a code description.
Code 593 – External Cladding Material
  1. Entries are intended to describe cladding materials that are easily recognisable to customers and allow insurers to produce a valid quote (without the need to refer/decline).
  2. The use of descriptions based on technical building terminology requiring expert knowledge to identify should be avoided.
  3. The ‘Other’ value is intended as a ‘catch all’ for use when a more suitable value is not available on the code list.
Code 660 – Motorcycle Security Device
  1. The ‘ character will not be used in the Short Description as it causes a Run Time Error when using the cross refer facility.
Code 676 – Vehicle Hire Group
  1. The code list contains values used within the hire car industry to identify the type of vehicle and engine capacity.
Code 900 – Insured Object Type Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 901 – Business Transaction Type Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 902 – Question And Response Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 903 – Processing Indicator Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 904 – Insurance Cover Description Qualifier Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 905 – Premium Component Qualifier Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 906 – Event Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 907 – Unit/Component Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 909 – Entity Identification Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 910 – Source Of Data Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 911 – Insurer Rating Method Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 912 – Processing Status Code Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 913 – Credit Status Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 914 – Item Status Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 915 – Status Description Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code 917 – Quotation Note Category Originally based on EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) list. Can be added to by stakeholder request.
Code lists 1153, 2005, 2013, 2151, 2379, 3035, 3131, 3155, 4405, 4451, 5025, 5245, 6063, 6311, 6411, 7495 and 9017
  1. General Rules do not apply (these are EDIFACT code lists which are being published as they are being used in industry standards). They may be added to in the future.