Polaris awarded ISO 27001 Certification for Information Security

Information security has always been a priority in all of Polaris’ activities. To ensure the company’s practices met the highest international standards, it sought and achieved the latest ISO 27001 certificate.

ISO 27001 addresses information security across an organisation. It looks at how information is handled and ensures procedures, practices and systems exist to keep it confidential and accurate with access only to those authorised to use it. The ISO 27001 assessment is carried out by an independent auditor and is an internationally recognised badge of achievement in data security.

Certification requires an organisation to prove it has a comprehensive process for the secure management of data and that it is followed by all staff. It is not a one-off exercise. Annually, security practices are independently audited to ensure they are still appropriate and reflect changes both within the organisation and in the environment within which it operates.

Vivek Banga, Managing Director of Polaris, commented, “We are delighted to be granted this ISO certification. It demonstrates our commitment to being a trusted partner in the industry and to follow information security related processes that ensure our customers’ and stakeholders’ data is as secure as possible.”

Carl Parkes, Information Security Manager at Polaris, commented, “We already had robust processes and policies in place, so were in a good position to aim for accreditation, and the fact that we successfully concluded the assessment at the first attempt is testament to the commitment of our employees and suppliers.”

Click here to view our ISO certificate and here for the associated Statement of Applicability.